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Louisville Slugger/NFCA 1997 NAIA All-America Teams

First Team
Pos. Player School
Pitcher Kerry Martin Azusa Pacific (CA)
Pitcher Nikki Wilson Mobile (AL)
Catcher Kim Stanfill Belmont (TN)
First Base Lori Alexander Southeastern Oklahoma State
Second Base Dana Jeannette Georgian Court (NJ)
Third Base Dawn Castaneda Azusa Pacific (CA)
Shortstop Heather Paulsen Puget Sound (WA)
Heather Tang William Woods (MO)
Terri McCormick Mobile (AL)
Cindy Connell Houston Baptist (TX)
Lynde Capogreco Union (TN)

Second Team
Pos. Player School
Pitcher Janelle Gunter Pacific Lutheran (WA)
Pitcher Jennifer Ellas Houston Baptist (TX)
Catcher Jen Truitt Goldey-Beacom (DE)
First Base Felisa Pascua Hawaii Pacific
Second Base Lisa Treadwell Pacific Lutheran (WA)
Third Base Becky Dudley Houston Baptist (TX)
Shortstop Jill Davis Southeastern Oklahoma State
Outfield Michele Ringor Hawaii Pacific
Outfield Jen Crowe Mobile (AL)
Beth Jameson Ohio Dominican
Utility Cathy McBride Texas Lutheran

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