Untitled Document

2005 Louisville Slugger/NFCA NAIA All-America Teams

First Team
Pos. Player School
P Ashley Lanz
Simon Fraser
P Rachel Werner
Houston Baptist
P Candice Thomas
Cal Baptist
p Dana Askins
Science & Arts
p Steph Christner
William Penn
C Cat Calvert
Oklahoma City
IF Kelly Golden
IF Mayret Perez
IF Lindsey Bredar
IF Danielle Pope
IF Kristen Hernandez
Cal Baptist
OF Rachel Schill
Simon Fraser
OF Brittany Cobb
North Georgia
OF Vanessa Shelton
Eastern Oregon
UT Jill Vaughn
Oklahoma City
UT Tami Trujillo
Cal Baptist



Second Team
Pos. Player School
P Beth Willis North Georgia
P Jamie Pendley USAO
P Rachel Werner Houston Baptist
C Jill Vaughn Oklahoma City
IF Stephanie Dixon Thomas
IF Ali Caviglia Simon Fraser
IF Lynsey Thompson North Georgia
OF Jennifer Byrd Thomas
OF Brenda Box Mobile
OF Cassandra Berger Olivet Nazarene
OF Alexis Powell Point Loma Nazarene
DP Cheri Wood Houston Baptist
UT Dana Kelly Spring Hill
At-Large Kelly Kalish Point Loma Nazarene
At-Large Charli Duff Trevecca Nazarene
At-Large Laura Heise St. Scholastica

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