NFCA Master Coach Listing



Congratulations on your Master Coach Status!

Institution listed is where member achieved milestone.

Four Star Master Coaches

Laurie Adkins, University of the Ozarks Brian Kernich, Hitting Center
Courtney Agness, Cornell College Dennis Koshmider, Garaway High School
Lisa Allen, Montana State University Billings Ken Krause, IOMT Castaways
Carrie Austgen, Deer Park High School Rachel Kuehl, Wisconsin Lutheran College
William Becker, KAOS Fastpitch Norman Kujawa , Notre Dame Academy
Bill Beckham, Wizards of Magic Greg Lamanna, Seton College
Jim Belch, Central Valley Quest Steven Lane, Jacksonville Bandits
Jen Benway, Lesley University  Randy Langsi Jr., St. Francis High School & Cal A's Hawaii
Christy  Bingham, St. Benedict High School Mark Larriba, Flower Mound High School
Dani Bishop, Eastern Nazarene College Shawna Lawless, John B. Connally High School
Jeff Bolton, West Chicago High School Ben Lipson
Lindsay Bramhall, Thomas More College Kenneth Scott Long, Salem College
Carolyn Bray, College of St. Mary Joe Madden, Kentucky Softball Club
Jay Bredwell, KC Peppers Janet Maguire, Cornell University
Frank  Brown III, Jefferson County Middle/High School Madge Makowske, St. Catherine University
Ryan Buchanan, Lady Lightning Gold John Maloney, Long Island Anthem Gold
Marianne Bullis Larry Mathewson, Bellevue High School
Terry Burdette, Hood College Mike Mayfield, Tennessee White Lightning
Kelly Burns, University of North Texas Kelsey McClain, San Jacinto College
Jamie Burton, California State University, San Marcos Phil McElroy, Emerson College
Jim Butz, Lambert High School Jim  McGlynn, Southwestern Christian University
Chris Cannata, University at Albany John McManigal, Holton High School
Jeremy Chell, Midwest Speed Michael Meeks 
Jayne Clem, Wallace State Community College - Hanceville Tony Mele, Team NC
Jim Clift, Western Carolina University Todd Merical, Johnston High School
Casey Clutch-Creakbaum, Clutch Athletic Performance Greg Messer, Carolina Chaos
Mike Coate, Sonoma State University Jennifer Miller, Saint Mary's University
Mark Colosimo, Fever Softball Christopher Milo, Carl Sandburg High School
Dee  Conway, University of Mary Washington Della Mitchel, McCook CC
Mark Cooke, Winthrop University Michael  Mook, Augustana College
Norman Coon , T.N.T.  Sports Softball Hitting & Fielding Instruction Laura Morgan, Strong Vincent High School
Elaine Covin, Alabama Southern CC John Morningstar, Wizards
Tracy  Cromer, Northwestern College Yasmin Mossadeghi, Southwestern College
Dennis Daniel, South Granville High School Ron Niebauer, Strong Vincent High School
Jack Daniels, North Platte Community College Curt Nitschelm, Redmond Reign
Clemens Dauster, International Ray Noelte, UC San Diego
Betsy Dean, Texas A&M University Kingsville  Julie Norris, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Mike Delaney, Village Christian High School Stacey Nuveman-Deniz, San Diego State University
Ed Deugan, University of Minnesota Crookston Keri O'Meara, Wellesley College
Cheryl Dickens, Tarleton State University Steve O'Steen, Chattahoochee Valley Community College
Casey Dickson, Towson University Marisol  Parr, Victory Christian Academy
Ken Dischler, Chequamegon High School Joanna Payette, Stetson University
Jodi Eickemeyer Rod Radcliffe, Bethel University
Amy Erickson, Carleton College Edward Ramirez, Marlborough High School
Ellen Eubanks, Northeast  Texas Community College Adam  Renzi, Apex High School
Stef Ewing, California State University, San Marcos Dot Richardson, Liberty University
Germaine Fairchild, Quinnipiac University AJ  Robinson, The Factory Fastpitch Club
Jim Farrell, Cornerstone University  Amanda Roczniak, Central Connecticut State University
Tim Frappa, Tonawanda High School Mark Sattler, Texas Pride Softball
Richard Fidelman, McCallum High School John Seneca, University of Delaware 
Joni Frei, Canada Futures John Shahan, Texas Force 98
John Garris, Southern University Annie Smith, University of Arkansas
Linda Garza, Wright State University Chris Smith, Cupertino Inferno
Heather Gelbard, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Dave Snyder, New Trier High School
Billy Gerald, North Davidson High School Anthony Springer, Sneaky Cleats '95
Daniel Gershwin, Georgia Academy Power Tim Springer, Central Valley Quest - Madera
John Gibson, Washington Hurricanes  Julie Strand, Southern Utah University
Erin Goettlicher, Georgetown University Scot Stuart, Colville High School
Blythe Golden, Gulf Coast State College Mellanie Surratt, McNairy Central High School
Bill Gray, Kennesaw State University  Kelly Sylvester, Austin College
Paul Greco, Incarnate Word High School Evah Taylor, Boulder Creek High School
Chip Gregg, Northern Kentucky University Mike Teshkoyan, Caldwell High School
Melanie Gregor, Holy Names University Steve Tetreault, Sooner Stars
Frank Griffin, Stetson University Sherry Tetreault, Tomlinson High School 
Tracy Grindrod, Wallace State Community College - Hanceville Cori Thiermann, Berry College
Becky Hall, Wittenberg University Jenelle Trautmann, West Texas A&M University
Sean  Hall, Midwest Speed Vince Trivelpiece, Stripes n Strikes
Shawn Hammernik, Whitnall Rage Aaron Vail, Minnesota Sting
Christen  Hardee, San Jose State University Johanna Van der Hulst, Castilleja High School
John Harris, Good Hope High School Frank  Voss, Monarchs
Mike Hart, Texas Glory Chan Walker, Florida Atlantic University
Sara Hayes, San Diego State University Nathaniel Wagner, Augustana University (South Dakota)
Donald Hilsdon, Fannin Rebels Jennifer Walter , College of Scholastica
Betsy Hipple, Claremont-Mudd-Scripps College Steve Wammer, Northland College
Brad Horstman, University of St. Thomas James Ware, Broadneck High School
Ken Hunt Kelly Warren
Leslie Huntington, Un. of Wisconsin, Eau Claire William E. White, Jr., Tuscaloosa Academy
Jodi Jackson, Southern Utah University Suzy Willemssen, VA Glory / Bishop O’Connell High School
Angie Jacobs, University of Utah Rick Wilmott, Outlaws Fastpitch
Melvin Jenkins, Taylor High School Justin Wilson, Oklahoma Adrenaline
Jennifer Jones, University of Mary Washington  Kim Wilson, Rowan University
Mamie  Jones, NC A&T State University Reeca Wilson, Grayson County College
Tim  Jordan Mark Worden, Buena High School
Amber Kavehkar, D-Bat Larry Yoder, Mount Mercy College
Nicole Keck, Dewey High School Michael Young, Bishop Snyder High School
Brian Kernich, Hitting Center  

Three Star Master Coaches

Kevin Allison, Northeast Texas CC Sara Lufkin, Carmel High School
Steve Baker, Centennial High School Kim Maher, Purdue University
Vanessa Bataille, Stetson University Amanda Marshall, Emory University
Erica Beach, University of New Mexico  David Massey, Juneau-Douglas High School
Kevin Bednoski, Riverside HS/VA Glory Nick Mazza, Georgia Crush
William Bell, Homer High School Phillip McCloud, Texas Glory Gold
Tedd Bruening, Lakewood High School Laurie McInroy, Alexander High School
Pete Burr, Westford Academy Frank Melgoza, Diamond Girlz
Dana Callihan, Grand Valley State University Gretta Melsted, Augustana College
Amanda Carlson, Evanston Township High School Cheryl Milligan, Tufts University
David Carnahan, Lakewood Park Christain Kyle Molesky, Team Worth NC
Miguel Cedeno, Oak Park Windmills Enrique Montalvo, Hero Fastpitch
Rachel Coleman, Stars National Craig Montvidas, Netherlands National Team
Mark Colosimo, Maryland Fever John Mortensen, Orin High School
Bobby Cook, Central High School Cindy Mosteller, Forney High School
Steven Cornett, EC Bullets Cornett Christi Musser, University of Kansas
Joe Coroso, Elk County Catholic High School Ruth Neuger, St. Olaf College
Lisa Costello, Towson University Becky Norris, Cleveland State University
Cassie Crabtree, University of Texas at Tyler Stacey Nuveman Deniz, San Diego State University
Dottie Cupp, Polk Community College Molly O’Donnell, SUNY Cortland
Lewis Currier, Mizuno Pride Gold Rinae Olsen, Ithaca College
Marc DeCoulode, Holy Names University Deborah Pallozzi, Ithaca College
Danielle Delude, Sweet Briar College Robin Penoyer, Morrisville State College
Sam Douglas, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Diana Pepin, Eastern Connecticut State University
Michael Duke, Rapid Fire 18U Barbara Pierce, California State University, East Bay
Alicia du’Monceaux, University of Northwestern - St. Paul Bryan Poulter, Colfax-Mingo High School
Ken Esser, S.J. Swat David Pugh, Eastview High School
Fred Fabricant, Maymont High School Jordan Reid, Appalachian State University
Connie Fiems, Carmel High School Ernie Reynolds, Trevecca Nazarene University
Jeff Frizzell, College of the Redwoods Ginger Rohde
Chelle Fuss, Grove City College Angie Ryan, Forest Lake High School
Jody Gabriel, Macalester College Eric Ryan, Benton High School
Roy Garcia, Alisal High School Brett Sadler, Southern Ohio Cyclones 
Boo De Oliveira, Purdue University Janice  Savage , Appalachian State University
Frank Ehrenfeld, Pennsbury Gems Lloydene Searle, Cleveland State University
Paul Ellis, Shamrock Softball Daniel Shofestall, Clarion Area High School
Melissa Gentile , Washington University (MO) Marcus Smith
Nancy Goldberg-Wilks, Texas Terrors Kim Sotomayor, University of Texas, Dallas
Dennis Gore, Lone Peak High School Chris Stainer, AZ Cats
Jeremy Greenway, McKinney High School Emily Stanley, Berry College
Rachel Hanson, Stanford University  Carol Stebbins, Buckeye Heat
Bill Harris, Selah High School Marie Stone, Hill College
Skip Heagle, Midwest Speed Tony Stone, Midwest Speed
Kris Herman, Williams College Sami Strinz, University of North Dakota
LouAnn Hopson, Chesterton High School Michael Sutherlin, Huntsville Sharks
Christine Hornak, Western Carolina University Carolyn Thompson, St. Francis High School
Wout Isbouts, Gryphons Paula U'Ren, St. Cloud State University
Amy Jacob, Bradford High School Tammy Utley, Lakeland University
Dana Jesnowski, West Central Area Fran Vandermeer, Williams College
Glenn Johnson, Cedar Rapids Blue Devils Michelle Venturella, University of Illinois at Chicago
Dan Jones, Ephrata High School Thomas Vick, North Davidson High School
Donald Justus, Iona College Gary Walin, Thousand Oaks High School
Angela Kenney, Univ. of Texas at Permian Basin Randy Ward, University of North Dakota
Roger Kincaid, Georgia State University Jennifer Ward, Haverford College
Stephen Kuptz, Rancho Bernardo High School Laura Watten, Bethune Cookman 
Mike Lambros, North Davidson Senior High School Amy Weaver, Messiah College
Richard Lavato, Affiliate Stephanie Winter, Southeast Missouri State University
Erin Layton, University of Rhode Island Fred Wroge, Bloomington Kennedy High School
Linda Lensch, Greased Lightning Fastpitch, LLC Jackson Wyatt, Ret. Chula Vista High School

Two Star Master Coaches

Tony Acketz, Smizzaash LLC Laura Klutsarits, Siena Heights University
Rebecca Ahlbrecht, New Richmond High School Jeff Kneiert, Milton Wildcats
Mary Kay Amicone, Salt Lake Community College Donna Koczajowski, U. S. Coast Guard Academy
Mark Anderson, Ret. HL Richards High School (IL) Joseph Kolcun, Gallaudet University
Michelle Anderson, Champaign Central High School Leigh Ann LaFave, Bethany Lutheran College
Jeff Annis, Gustavus Adolphus College Darrell Landry, Louisiana Patriots 
Jeanne Arbuckle, Marietta College Jennifer Lane, Wesleyan University
Harry Backhurst, Christian Academy of Knoxville Joanna Lane, Central Michigan University 
Jennifer Bagley, Missouri Western State University Jim Leavell, West Central Valley CSD
Leanne Baker, Southern Vermont College Melissa Lee, Augsburg College
Robin Baker, University of Wisconsin John Legere, Pace Academy High School
Randie Baldwin, Aliso Niguel High School Kara LeLeux, Covenant College (GA)
Theresa Barnett, Grayson County College Julie  Lenhart, Cortland State College
Lowell  Barron, Birmingham Thunderbolts 2003 Ingo Leven, International Aff
Isis Barron-Hutchinson, St. John's School Gwen Lexow, Bates College
Daniel Bates, Hartselle High School Nina Lindenberg
Misty Beaver, Rutgers University Michelle Littlefield, Darmouth College
Anthony Bobbitt, Greencastle-Antrim High School Steve Lolley, G-Force Travel Ball
Lesa Bonee`, Nova Southeastern University Sarah Looker, Hilliard Davidson High School
Mary Ellen Bonner, Kings High School Emily Lopez, Smith College
Samantha Borawski, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota Janet Maguire, Bridgewater State College (MA)
Mike Bosch, Syracuse University  Paula Maloley, Grand Rapids Community College
Kim Bowen, Big Lake High School Sabrina Manhart, Daytona State College
Keith Bratisax, Recreational League Chris Marak, Butler High School
Corinne Brunn, La Jolla Country Day School Julie Marshall, Ohlone College
Stephen  Bryden, Dirt Devils Softball Club Vincent Martinez, C.L. McLane High School
Justin Buchanan, Dixie State College Ted Mason, Buckeye Heat
Jim  Buechler, Francis Parker School Bonnie May
John Bugh, Texas Force Brad McCumber , Eastview Lightning
Justen Burns, Gallaudet University Rodney McNeill, Ennis High School
R. Kurt Busby, Brownsmill/Lilburn Lady Jackets Meadow McWhorter, Mt. Hood Community College
Doug Caison, Texas A&M University-Commerce Nikki Miller , Illinois Wesleyan University
Kim  Camara, Drexel University Roni Miller, York University of Nebraska
Brook Capello, Newbury College Michael Mills, Midwest Speed
Steven Capozzi, American Legion Lady Fastpitch Robert Montuori, Brockton High School
Tricia Carroll, Rider University Mary Morris, South GA Lady Sharks
Michael Carrozza, Bridgewater/Raynham High School James Morrissey, Nebraska Force
Timothy Casey, Forest Lake High School Ted Mureau, California Thunder Joe 18 Gold
Paige Cassady, Texas Tech Rob Nelson, Lima Senior High School
Jeff Cavanaugh, Lady Lasers Jerrod Newland, Greenville High School
Paul Clary, PA Vipers Fast Pitch Assoc. Ken Nidick, Camas High School
Danielle Cline, College of DuPage Kate Nygaard, Salt Lake Community College
Carolyn Conforti-Browse, Blair Academy Eric Oakley, Kent State University
Michael Cooperstein, Franklin & Marshall College Bridget Orchard, Fordham University
Mark Correia, Brown University Patrick O’Rielly, East Cobb Fastpitch
Conrad Cota, Team California Kenn Parbel, Monarchs 26U
Jim Cotter, Norwich Free Academy Joseph Paris, Texas Rapid Fire
Timothy Covey, The First Academy Lynn Partin, Northwest High School
Don Cramer, Forest Lake High School Stephen Pascarella II, Swansea Girls Softball League
Duane Cretin, Team Indiana Kendra Pate, MVP Pitching
Bill Crosthwaite, Canterbury School of Florida Jordan Paul, West Limestone High School
Marie Curran, University of Buffalo Brandon Pemberton, Bedford High School (PA)
Marsha Cusack, Enid High School Becki Pepper, Rampart High School
James Davis, PC Pride Nick Petro, Stephenville High School
Chris Dawson, Heartbreakers David Philop
Rilee Dawson, College of St. Scholastica Kevin Pirkey, California Breeze Softball
Diana DeArmond, Holliday High School Richard Pond, Central Maryland Storm
Amber Dewald, Pitching Instructor Trena Prater, University of Iowa
Amber Dohlman, UW - River Falls Bill Prentice, North Hills Christian High School
Todd Downes, Georgia State University Marty Pump
Alicia du' Monceaux, Northwestern College James Quinn, Orion Hunter Fastpitch
Mairin Dudek, University at Albany Roger Raeburn, NW Extreme
Jeff Eichelberger, Ohio Danger Jessica Rapoza, El Camino College
Dawn Engebretson, Rockford High School James Rapp, Chatham University
Matthew Etzler, Red Bluff Area Teams Nick Raya, W. T. White High School
Jared Faherty, Chippewa Valley Flash Joe Reardon, University at Albany
Laurie Farmer, Kingston Youth Baseball and Softball Barbara Reed, Premier Fastpitch
Scott Farrow, Atlanta Flames Fastpitch Steve Richards, Blue Mountain Community College
Jim Feldman, Forest Lake Dorothy Richardson, Liberty University
Kenneth Fenik, Elyria High School Ruby Rojas, Mt. San Antonio
Julie Fennell, TN White Lightning Anthony Russo, Brunswick High School
BJ Ferguson, University of Delaware Todd Ryman, Atlanta Premier 02
Peter Fernandes, Emerson College John  Schropp, Galaxy Stars
Kelly Ford, Mt. San Antonio College Anthony Scibelli, Sunraze
Bob Fortel, Greeneville High School Greg Seeley, Pacific Lutheran University
Julie Fox, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jen Sewell, University of Kansas
Shaunte Fremin Hannah  Shalett, Ithaca College
Hannah Fulk, Appalachian State University  Kevin Shelton, TX Glory Gold
Edith Gallagher, Mansfield University Richard Sherman, Road Runners Softball
Michael Garoutte, Kalamazoo College Chris Shirer, Ohio Dominican University
Renee Gillispie, University of Iowa Alfredo Silva, Malibu High School
Danielle Glosson, Western Carolina University Steven Silverstein, Northside Youth Organization (GA)
Rebecca Goodwin, Gadsden State CC Kevin Smith, Brunswick High School (MD)
Richard Gore, Bayport High School Paige Smith, Adelphi University
Jason Grahn, Finesse Rock Hall 2011 Kay Sopocy, Glenbrook South High School
Shawn Harbaugh, Heartbreakers 18u Elite Katie Spencer, Seven Lakes High School
Tom Harley, Indiana High School Jeffrey Standish, Galaxy 18U
Sarah Harman, Southwestern Assemblies of God University Ken Steeples, Winnetonka High School
Erica Harwell, Menard High School Larry Strange, Loudon High School
Paul Hassett, Eastview High School Brianna Strecker, Army West Point
Dennis Hathaway, Mid Pacific Institute Karen Strittmatter, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia 
Paul Hazlett, West Liberty Force Kelsea Svochak, North Shore High School
Renee Hicks, Bellarmine University Michelle Tatlock, Florida Southern College
Dan Hindman, Butler High School LeeAnn Taylor, San Diego City College
Jodie Holava, Defiance College Steve Thomas, Central Ohio Lady Rebels
Jason  Holbrook, Atlanta Vipers Howard Thompson, Hit-Away Select
Rick Holsomback, East Paulding High School Michael Tomooka, Buena High School
Timothy Hood, Northwest Christian Jamie Trachsel, University of Mississippi
Russ Hough, Warrensburg High School Erin Van Nostrand, Pacific Lutheran University
Edward  Houk, Fairfield High School Marcella Vanlandingham, Ohio Dominican University
Ken Hunt, Salem College (North Carolina) Lindsay Vanover, University of Montevallo
Kaela Jackson, University of South Carolina Jexx Varner, Robert Morris University
Heather Jennings, Macalester College Beth Wade, University of Montevallo
Jennifer Johnson, Central Linn High School Tony Wageman, Team KC
Linda Kalafatis, The Ohio State University Terry Wagner, Cedarburg High School
Darrell Keller, Notre Dame High School Whitney Warmus, Butler High School
David Kelly, Lady Lasers Julie Weir, Ashland University 
Becky Keogh, University of Illinois Chicago Troy Whitt, Florida Atlantic 
Jeanne Kerr, Gadsden State Community College Dawn Whitmer, Academy of Our Lady
Larry Kershner, Heartbreakers Don Don Williams , North Idaho College
Joe Kikume, Dumas High School Jane Worthington, Eastern Kentucky University
Kristina Kistler, Augustana College James Wright, Bishop Snyder High School

One Star Master Coaches

Kenna Aagard, Strikers Michael Larsen
Thomas Abeyta, LaJolla Country Day Jayme  Larson, Young Harris College
Joe Abraham, Hillsdale College Lee  Lashway, Eugene Lightning
Arica Abrames, Fort Collins High School Pam Latterell, University of Wisconsin, River Falls
Anthony Aiken, Onsted High School Judy Lawes, Kutztown University
Shane  Alexander, Hartselle High School Sheena Lawrick, University of North Dakota
Glen Alt, Juneau Douglas High School John Lawson, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Dario Alvarez, Attleboro Intensity Jeff Leger, Oklahoma Elite
Amanda Amann, Mohave High School Richard Legler, The Wave 16U-Houston
Celeste Ancira, Freer High School Lizzy Lemire, University of Notre Dame
Todd Anders, Heartbreakers Dale Lemon, Dos Pueblos High School
Gary Anderson, Petaluma Steal Breeze Caitlin Lever, Niagara University
Kelsey Anderson, Midwest Speed Dee Lindley, Hit Away Gold
Lynn Anderson, University of Minnesota Duluth Keith Livingston, Chattahoochee Valley Community College
Rick Anderson, Oregon Silver Bullets Tammy Lohmann, University of California
Sara Anderson, Azle High School Diane Lokey, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Nicholas Antoniou, Glory Adkins Rick Lonergan, American Heritage/Gold Coast Hurricanes
Sarah Arldt, University of Texas, Dallas Ken Long, Schaumberg Sluggers
Madison Armstrong, Western Carolina University Kenneth Long, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Michael Armstrong, Orion Hunter Fastpitch 18U McKenzie Long, Turnin2
Chris Arnold, Crater High School Gerry Lopez, Claremont-Mudd-Scripps College
Jennifer Arnold, Berkeley Bears Hector Lora, Martin Methodist College
Rod Avery, North Pole High School Nicole Loudin, Fredonia State University
Wayne Aweau, Armijo High School Patrick Lowe, Texas Blaze
Erica  Ayers, Georgetown University Scott Lowry, Georgia Xtreme
Shane Bailey, EC Bullets John Macbeth, Indy Blast
Julie Bair, Bair’s Softball Thomas Macera, Valdosta State
Jessica Ball, East Carteret High School (NC) Jami Macki, River Ridge High School
Mariann Balmann, Columbia High School Jessica Madrid, Appalachian State University
Lyn Bankston, Louisiana College Shuryl Magargee, St. Johns High School
Todd Bannister, Provincial Women's Softball Association Jackie Magill, Rita Lynn Gilman, Inc.
Jay Barber, Louisiana College Mike Maguire, L.C. Liberty
Jack Barfield, South Georgia Lady Sharks Mike Maher, EC Bullets
Lucy Bass, Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham Meredith Mahon, DePauw University
Lynn Baum, Westlake High School Chris Malcom, LC Pride
Sarah  Beaubien, Wizards Johanna Malisani, University of Waterloo Ladies Fastball Team
Bob Beedle, Stillwater High School Slade Maloney, Texas Fusion
Terrence Beezley, Amador High School Bari Mance, St. John Fisher College 
Micaela Bell, Florida Atlantic University Kathy Mangano, Springfield College
Cyndee Bennett, Salt Lake Community College Marissa Mariano, Plattsburgh State University of New York
John Bernard Todd Marino, Taunton Tornadoes
Theresa Bettis, Prince Avenue Christian School Peter Marinelli, Brookline High School
Robert Bickert, Generation X Rod Marquardt, Wheat Country Wild 18U
John Biedendach, Trenton High School Natalie Marquez, Bingham High School
Bob Bilafer, Black Ice 14U Anthony Marsalo, PA Strikers
Debbie Bilbao, University of Utah Lisa Marshall, South High School
Chris Blair, The Ohio Stingrays Michael Marshall, WCI-Fusion
Greg Blakey, Mt. Zion High School Abby  Martin, Sunny Cortland
John Bodner, Bitterroot Sparks Bryan Martin, Jordan High School
Diane Boettcher, Middlebury College Robin Martin, Nova Southeastern University
Kevin Boiselle, Wizards Bill Matthews, Amherst Steele High School
Julie Boland, Jacksonville State University Jeffrey Matthis, Arctic Storm
Teresa Borchard, Amador Valley High School Joyce Maudie, Tennessee State University
Cheryl Borgen, Red Wing High School Laura Mayberry, Corona del Mar High School
Linda Bouvet, Sault Area High School Michelle Mayfield, Mansfield Summit High School
Amber Bowman, Purdue University, Fort Wayne Karen McAuliffe, Lady Dukes MI
Jackie Boxley, Citrus College Marie McCarthy-Foster, Dakota Wesleyan University
Jennifer Boyden, Plex Softball Club John McClellan, Vanden High School
Katie Bozzo, Hanover Hornets 2027 Bozzo Rachel McClure, Prattville High School
Chad Brannon, R.F. Bumpus Middle School Jackie McCorry, Haverford College
Shaelynn Braxton, University of Virginia Wayne McCoy, University of Saint Francis
Ray Brekke, Silver Storm Thomas McCullough, A&T Pitching
Bob Breum, Seminole High School Marc McGill, Silver Bullets
Dena Brinson Paula McGovern, Int'l Softball Federation
Joe Brinson Arch McHie, Walla Walla High School
Kirk Brogdon, Arctic Heat Softball Jen McIntyre, Penn State
Kathleen Brophy, Wellesley High School Iyhia McMichael, Texas Tech University 
Darrick Brown, Chicago Bandits Teresa  McMillan
Lori Brown, Elmhurst College Tonya  Medders, Berry College
Mark Brown, Urbandale High School Wu Mei Yin, Chinese Taipei Amateur Softball Assoc
Megan Brown, University of Akron Gary Meister, Minnesota Arctic Blast 18u
Nat Brown, Duluth Central Robert Meixner, Batgirls
Kenny Bruce, Temple College Jamie Mendez, AZ Storm-Mendez
Michelle Bryant, VA Rogue Vicki Mengel, Delaware State University
Crissy Buck, Oregon State University Kevin Merryman, WCI-Fusion
Jamie Buksa, University of Illinois at Chicago Leslie Messina, Texarkana College
Jessica  Bump, Lafayette College Lanea Meyer, Westwood High School
Tracy Bunge, University of Kansas Lori Meyer, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Mady Bunnell, Midwest Speed Jamie Meyers, Hillsdale College
Brett Burch, Cool Cats Ambush Stefanie Meyerson, Stevenson University
Alicia  Burnett, Newbury College Diana Miller, Lake Hill Preparatory School
Michael Burns, Eagle River High School George  Miller, White Bear Lake Softball
Steve Burrow, Winnsboro High School Kelly Miller, Sacred Heart Preparatory
Paul Bushong, Howell High School Mike Miller, Capital High School
Billie Buss, University of Wisconsin, Stout Sally Miller, The College of New Jersey
Kristen Butler, University of Toledo Jill Millis, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
Scott Byrne, Bitterroot Sparks Lisa Mills, Arundel High School (MD)
Thomas Caffelle, Shephard Hills High School Jennifer Mitchell, DeLand High School
Caitlyn Cain, Episcopal High School Jerry Mitchell, Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School
Maggie Calcaterra, Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Mitch Mitchell, Worth County Middle School
Anne Campbell, Hopkins High School Jim Moats, Mercyhurst Prep
Rebecca Campbell, Oklahoma Christian Academy Ray Moffitt, Northwest Christian College
Samantha Campo, Ursinus College James Molloy
Carlos Caro, Miami-Dade College Brooke Monroe, University of Virginia
Elizabeth Caroscio, University of the Ozarks Cathy Monroe, Truman State University
Chris Carpenter, Storm Fastpitch Kenny Montz, Hahnville High School
Mike Carpenter, Summit High School Henry Moranchel, Claremont McKenna College
Richard Cartwright, Marengo Mud Dogs Dan Moreland 
Erin Casey, Forest Lake High School Don Moretti, Lake County Liberty
Kerry Casper, Metropolitan Community College, Maplewood Kristen Morley, Berkeley Bears
Tiffany Castro, Shoreline Community College Veronica Morrell, Mercedes High School
Kelsey Chapman, Cedarville University Brian Morris, Avery ISD
Kathy Cheatham, Hartselle High School Casey Morris, College of St. Scholastica
Pam Childs Brenna Morrissey, MIT
Casey Chrietzberg, Emory University Jenae Morrissey, Emory and Henry College
Angie Churchill, University at Buffalo Tanya Morrow, Northwest High School
Kristin Ciancio, Central High School Becky Muck, Hockinson High School
Michala Cimino, Bellevue University (NE) Beth Mullins, Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham
Tony Ciccarello, SUNY Geneseo Brian Munday Jr., Brunswick High School (MD)
Becky Clark, University of South Alabama Todd  Murphy, The Galloway School 
Emory Clark, Ohio Christian University  Afton Murray, Augustana College
Ronald Clarke, Fairfield High School Mary Murray, Rowan University
Si Clarke, Southern California Waves Robert Murray, Ajax Raiders
Erin Clary, Millsaps College Jean Musgjerd, Rochester Community Tech. College
Brian Claypool, College of the Holy Cross Nikki Myers, Michigan State University
David Cleveland, Soldotna High School Jon Nachtigal, University of New Mexico
Terri Cloud, TLC Chargers Anna Nagro, Mount St. Mary’s University
Lauren Cognigni, University of Delaware  Mark Nakatani, California Tornadoes
Curtis Cole, Coker University Wayne Nash, Fountain Hills High School
Paul Collier, East Texas Blast Breanne Nasti, Providence College
Jennifer Collins, University of Alabama at Birmingham Jay Nelson, Rutgers University
Mike  Colyer, Wizards Taylor Nelson, Montana State Billings
Pat Conlan, Georgetown University Jesse Nenninger, Miami Valley Xpress
Ryan Connell, College of DuPage Kayla Nenninger, Miami Valley Xpress
Mary Connolly, University of Illinois at Chicago Jennifer  Nescio, Frostburg State
Diana Consolmagno, University of Hartford Donna Newberry, Muskingum College
Nina Coody, Gainesville High School Rick Newman, Armijo High School
Ashley Cook, Bowie State University Tim Nichols, Cienega High School
Annette Cooke, Triangle Lightning John Noga, Parkers Prairie High School
David Cook, Orion Hunter Jeff Norman, Davie Power
Sean Cotter, University of Massachusetts, Lowell Shannon Norman, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Cyndi Covello, DePaul Catholic High School Kristy Norton, James Madison University
Cynthia Cubillas, Adams State College Ryan Nuveman, St. Priory High School
Johnny Cuicco, South Bay Quest Molly O'Donnell, SUNY Cortland
Duane Culpepper, Texas Elite Softball Org. Gina Oaks, Claremont Mudd Scripps College
Mike Curro, Oneida High School Jeff Och, Chaska High School 
Mary Curylo, University of Illinois at Chicago James  OConnor, Santa Fe Catholic High School
James  Cutcher, Jr., Lake Howell High School Ted  Okada, Hawaii Travel Ball
Michelle Daddona-Moya, Riverside Community College John Olachnovitch, Mount Mercy University
Brian Daley, Edward Waters College Courtney Oliver, East Carolina University
Kendra Daniels Laura Oltman, Brazoswood High School
Amber Danner-Kirk, Jacksonville Independent School District  Jerry Orlando, Oregon Panthers Gold
Darren Darracq, Texas Glory Hiram Ortega, A&T Pitching
A.J. Daugherty, Wallace State Community College Vera Ortega, Azle High School
Jeff Davis, GA Blitz Dave Owens, Lady Barracudas 
Ken Davis, La Jolla High School Leo Pacheco, St. Matthew School 
Roger Davis, Provincial Women's Softball Federation Whayne Pack, Texas Flash Girls Fastpitch
Thomas  Davis, Hope Christian  High School Daniel Paley, GA Impact
Gerald Dawson, Desert Christian High School Nikki Palmer, University of California, Riverside
Roma Dawson, Christian High School Andrew Pals, Urbandale High School
Udo Dehmel, Deutscher Baseball und Softball Verband e.V. Chris Pals, Lincoln Rails Softball Club
Sharon Dekleine, Calvin College David Parker, Monahans High School
Jenna DeLong, University of Texas at Dallas Paul Patton, Hearts of Ohio
Marina Demore, University of Nevada Brandie Paul, Martin Methodist College
Trina Denison, Garden City Community College Mark Paule, Helix Charter High School
Kevin DeTurris, Ashburn Shooting Stars Bernie Penner, Kelowna Heat
Rae Lynn Dennis, Generation X Danielle Penner, Barry University
Michelle DePolo, Tennessee Tech University Skip Penning, Illinois Central College
Bryan Dickerson, Advanced Fastpitch Academy Lori Perez, California State University Sacramento
Brett Diel, Carterville High School Albert Perkins, Dalles High School
Joe DiFeo, Akron St. Vincent St. Mary Julie Perrelli, Springfield College
Rick Dillinger, ADM Community School  (IA) Jim  Perrin, Austin Peay State University
Steve Dinges, Brunswick High School (MD) Scott Perry, Nemo Vista High School
John Disbrow, S.D. Renegades Dennis  Peterson, Duluth Central High School
Wendy Dobbin, Aurora Diggers/Team Canada Robin Petrini, Penn State
Patti Doeltz, Monroe Central High School Tony  Pewitt, Oklahoma Excel
Joe Dolak, Gannon University Donald Pietz, Lutheran High School of Indianapolis
Martin Drain, Wizards Sarah Pinkley, Kamehameha Schools Hawaii
Kate Drohan, Northwestern University Juliaclare Plezbert, Ave Maria University
Rick Drummond, Texas Glory  Larry Poe, Independence High School
Amiee Duke, TX Rapid Fire  William David Poist Jr., FastPitch 14U San Antonio
William Dumont, James Madison High School Craig Polter, Bryan High School
Danny  Dunaway, UT - Permian Basin Mackenzie Popescue, Georgia State University
Mark Dunsmoor, Wizards Brad  Posner, State University of New York at Cortland
Jayme Durand, Aiken Technical College Aron Potter, Missouri Southern State University
Dave Durfee, Oregon Panthers Mark Potter, Steele Canyon High School
Kevin Eason, Lee-Scott Academy Anna Poulter-Hendrickson, St. Cloud State University
Donald  Easter, OKC Image Tiffany Prager, University of Dayton
Bill Eckert, NC Lady Tigers  Harry Pratt, Thorp High School
Kathleen Eckert, North Sides High School Dave Prokesh, Northwest High School
Tommy Edmondson, Arlington High School Andrea Pruner, Carmel High School
Philippa Edwards, Aurora Diggers/Team Canada Robert Purnell, Valley Sting Fastpitch
Tim Edwards, Mount Mary University Brian Pursche, Academy ISD
Wendy Edwards, Little Elm High School Lee Pyles, Central Ohio Stingrays
Gina Eggers, Walla Walla High School Darryl Rabb, Washington Sidewinders
Jeff Eisenbrandt, Wizards Bridget Rafter, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Bill Elgin, PA Vipers Audra Rains, Saint Joseph's College
Leann Emery, Cutting Edge Softball Inc. Randy Ramhoff, Perkins High School
Paul Enman, Charlton Wildfire Softball Staci Ramsey, App State
Lauren Ermitano, Ohlone College Dana Randall, Messiah College
Jeffery Ertle, Affiliate Chelsea Randle, Prattville High School
Tammy Evans, Drew University Jaclynn Rasnick, Lil' Rebels - Gordie/Rasnick
Hank  Everitt, SGS Magic Dale Ray, Calumet College of St. Joseph
Michael Everman, Huron Jeanne Rayman, Butler University
Brooke Faile, Choctawhatchee High School Kate Refsnyder, Brown University
Doug  Fairey, Redding Avalanche Tom Regele, Marlborough High School
Russ Fanucchi, Victoria Devils Daryl Reigel, North Jersey Rocks
Robert W.  Farmer, P.A.L. Lisa Reimer, Colorado College
Andrea Farquhar, Iona College Steve Renfro, California Travel Ball
Molly Feesler, Pickerington High School North Kayla Richardson, Appalachian State University 
Christy Ferguson, Hartselle High School Nichole Riggs, Walla Walla High School
Dallas Ferguson, East Webster High School Kathy Riley, Longwood University
Rob Ferguson, Minnesota Renegades Maya Ripecky, Bucknell University
Katie Fichter, University of Wisconsin, Stout Roni Rivera, Muhlenberg College
Thomas Fickett, Calumet College of St. Joseph Jeff Roberts, Van High School
Lisa Field, Santiago Canyon College Brittany Robinson, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Jana Fields, Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Dean Robinson, Hastings High School
Pam Fink, Oklahoma Baptist University Jamie Robinson, South High School
Bernard Fitch Pamela Robinson, Benjamin Russell High School 
Craig Flocken, Xplosion Fastpitch Robbie Robinson, Robbie’s Batting Cages
Charleston Fobbs, Michigan State University Rone Robinson, University of North Texas
Julie Folliard, Richards High School Dave Rodriguez, Castle View High School (CO)
Tommy  Forrester, Emory and Henry College Tito Rojas, Seaside of Oxnard Fastpitch
Catherine Foster Cody, Wellington Middle High School Mark Roldan, College of Mount St. Vincent
Kelly Foster, Kelly Foster Pitching, LLC Harley Roller, Albany State University (Georgia)
Nicole Fougerousse Nicole Rollins, Eagle High School
Bruce Fowler, Tomball High School Francine  Roseman, Rosemont College
Kaycee Fowler, North Texas Titans Richard Rosinski, Ohio Wave
Scott Fowler, North Texas Titans Dereck Rowland, Rains ISD
Thad Fox, Spartanburg Methodist College Danny Rubino, Young Harris College
Elle Fracker, Davis and Elkins College Dan  Rubischko, Eden Prarie High School
Charles Franklin David Ruder, Point Loma High School
Sue Frederick, Missouri State University  John Ruffolo, Kenosha Bradford High School
Alison Fritter, Georgia Crush Kathryn Rufo, Carnegie Mellon University
DJ Frost, XLR8 Sports Performance Michele Rupard, State Fair Community College
Allen Fugate, Sensations Renee Sadler, Holt High School
Laura Fugate, Sensations Scott Sakamoto, Colorado Comets
William Gaito Olinda Salazar, Santa Gertrudis Academy
Mike Gaffney McCall  Salmon, Davenport University
Margaret Galvan, East Los Angeles College Mark Salottolo, New Rochelle High
Bryan  Garris, EC Bulletts Karen Sanders, Brookland High School
Rebekah Gasner, Montana State University- Billings Sandra Sanford, Allegheny College
J Gaudreau, University of Oregon Samantha Santillo, Robert Morris University
Jeremy Gavin, Mission Fastpitch Anthony Santiago, Florida State University
Patti Gerckens, University of California, San Diego Dave Sauerbrey, Hockinson High School
Scott Gerlach, Gerlach Sports Performance LLC Harold Sauter, Univ. of Mass., Lowell
Craig Giarrusso, Tolman High School Kurtis Sauvola, Gresham ASA Blue Flames
Michael Gilliland, Pike High School Louis Savarese, SPFast Softball Association
Rita Lynn Gilman, Vickie Sax, Colgate University
Mike Girimonte, Windsor Wildcats Todd Schallock, North Pole High School
Trent Givens, Tuscaloosa Academy David Schilling, Savannah Fastpitch Academy
Kathryn Gleason, Northern Kentucky University Fred Schlutt, Alaska High School
Beth Golitko, Western Illinois University Trey Schlutt, Husson University
Philip Gonalez, Phoenix Fastpitch Chrissy Schoonmaker, University of Connecticut
Roy Gonzalez, Hot Stix Paul Scholes, Excel Fastpitch
Emily Good, Carmel High School Mary Schroeder, Colorado Altitude
Dianne Goodale, E. O. Smith High School Cara Schwartz, Blazing Paths with Fastpitch Softball, LLC
Jeanette Goodwin, Harvard University Mark Schutte, Ohio Heat Fastpitch
James Goranson, Oakton Community College Al Sciangula, St. Joseph's College - Patchogue
Nikki Goranson, Oakton Community College Michael Scott, St. Leo University
James Graham Rick Scott, Piedmont High School
James Graves, Lamar High School Kerri  Scroope, Salve Regina University 
Willis Griffiths, Massachusetts Maritime Academy Emily Seidel, Los Angeles Mission College
Mattias Grimstoft, Swedish Baseball and Softball Federation Stacey Segal, Schutt Avengers Gold Texas
Mary Jo Griswold, LaCosta Canyon Mitch Seime, San Diego Avalanche
Terri Grogan, Central High School of Clay County Bonnie Serone, Norman Epiphany
Kyle Gross, Heath Crush Chen Shan Ni, Chinese Taipei Amateur Softball Assoc
Debra Guenther, Holliston High School Dorian Shaw, Purdue University
Joe Guthrie, Marion Military Institute Samantha Sheeley, Winona State University
Amanda Gutowski, Franciscan University Julie Shipman, Turlock High School
Betsy Hada, Heidelberg College Garland Shirley, Clarke University (IA)
Doug Hageman, LeRoy High School Mark Shirley, Lutheran South Academy
Timothy Hageny, EC Bullets Cornett Cheryl Shockley, James Madison University
Kelley Haiber, Lakota East High School Gene Shuret, Ohio Wave
David Haick, Brampton Blazers Sherri Shuttlesworth, Northridge High School
Jeffery James Hale, Bitterroot Sparks Val Silvestrini , Florida Institute of Technology 
Jhavon Hamilton, Bradley University Cary Simms, Quinnipiac University 
Lisa Hankerd, Claremont McKenna-Harvey Mudd-Scripps Colleges  Traci Simons
Barbara Hannah, Hit-A-Way Fawn Sims, Pike County High School
David Hannah, Hit-A-Way Han Sing Lin, Chinese Taipei Amateur Softball Assoc
Erica Hanrahan, DePauw University Tyler Sisco, North Iowa Area Community College
Nancy Hansen, Xplosion Fastpitch Mark Skapin, Cottey College
Jennifer Hapanowicz, USA Elite Training  Bonnie  Skrenta , DePauw University 
David Hardy, NW Lady Sharks Jen Slauson, Waukee High School
Mike  Harper, Rogers High School Jasen Sloan, Texas Attitude 18U
Terry Harper, The Kinkaid School Neil  Smith, University of North Carolina at Pembroke 
Paul Harrington, Totino-Grace High School Alissa Smith , University of Maryland
Mandy Harris-Morgan, University of West Georgia Elaine Sortino, University of Massachusetts
Emily Hart, Juneau-Douglas High School Tim Souza, Skyview High School (ID)
Doug Hartung, Valhalla High School David Souder
Meagan Hartung, West Hills High School Danielle Spaulding, University of Redlands
Suzette Hartvigsen, Springville High School / Red Devils  John "Dub" Spencer, Wolfpack
Mary-Ann Hatt, Dutch National Team Wendy Spratt, Columbia College
Michele Hawkins, Towson University Shannon St. Clair, Ohio Dominican University
David Hayes, So CAL Choppers Donna Stallworth, Georgetown Day School
Ricky Haynes, White Lightning Blue 93 Jeff Stalnaker, Holy Trinity High School
Bob Heck, Georgia State University Chris Starke, Briar Woods High School 
Jerry Hedger, Metro Rage Dawn Stearns, University of Bridgeport
Jack Heesch, Alaska Ice Sheri Steiner, Affiliate
Steve Hegedus, Wizards Christine Steines, Otterbein College
Thomas Heinecke, DeLasalle High School Kim Stephens, Olney High School
John Hengel, St. Clair High School Chad Stephenson, Bair’s Softball
Nicole Hennessey, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (AZ) Sheila Sterling, Denton High School
Jennifer Henry, Farmerville High School Jordan Stevens, Valparaiso 
Fernando Hernandez, True Blue Xplosion Jamie Stewart, Northwest Christian High School
Maria Hernandez, Richardson ISD Mike Stewart, Colony High School
Roland  Hernandez, St. Matthew School Renee Stewart, Northwest Christian High School
Sandra Hernandez, Southwest High School Randy Stracner, Walker High School
Alison Hess, Ohio Northern University Michelle Strange, Arctic Heat
Bill Hibbard III, Camden Hills Regional High School Laura Streets, Towson University
Amy Hickey, Milton Academy Laura Sturm, Tidehaven High School
Benet Higgs, Bradley University Mark Sullins, Darlington School, Rome
Rod Hill, State ASA Commissioner Amy Sullivan, Pelham High School
Thomas Hill, Alvin Community College Ryan Sullivan, Bowdoin College
Holly Hilton, Ferndale High School Stacey Sullivan, University of Maine
Kevin Hinde, Team North Carolina (Hinde) Suzanne Tadlock, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Earl Hinkle, Central Linn High School Monica Tantlinger, Purdue University
Jessica Hirschbuhl, East Carolina University Alisa Tasler, Concord University 
Tricia Hoffmann, UT Dallas Eric Taylor
Amy Hogue, University of Utah Jamie Terry, Wizards
Chris Holder, Jacksonville Storm Erin Thacker, Colorado College
Sandra Hollander, Buffalo State College Bailey Thomas, Utah State University
Stacey Holm, Concordia College (MN) David  Thomas
Walter Holman, Heartbreakers Donell Thomas, Victor Valley College
Tori Holt, Midwest Speed Scot  Thomas, Virginia Tech
Shelly Hotzler, Jackson County Central Deb Thompson, Spring Arbor University
Matthew Houseman, Muskegon Community College Frederick Thompson, Blaze
Yang Huei Jiun, Chinese Taipei Amateur Softball Assoc John Thompson, Jr., Norphlet High School
Nicola Huerta, Rosary High School Brandy Thurman, Consumes River College
Richard Hughes, Westminster Schools Janelle Tieken, Hamline University
Kendall Huisman, Ontario Christian High School Megan Timpf, University of Las Vegas Nevada
Cory Huminsky, Washington & Jefferson College Marla Townsend, Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham
Jerry Humphreys, Walla Walla High School Brian Travers, The Legion of Doom
Melissa Hurley, Maryville University-St Louis Frank Trujillo, Victor Valley College
Randy Hynson, Dumas High School John Tschida, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Becky Iaccino, University of Wisconsin-Stout Danny Tullos, Louisiana College
Lisa Iancin, LI Softball Academy Scott Usrey, Redwater High School
Roni Illias, Valley Catholic High School Joey Van De Voorde, Victoria Fastball Club '92 Devils
Paul Illinger, Norwich Free Academy Kelly Van Houten, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Arthur Ingalls, North Union High School  Cameron Van Ryn, Arctic Storm
Megan Ink, Eastern Kentucky University Holly Van Vlymen, Western Illinois University
Paul Irvin, Montgomery Blair High School Kaci Vassallo, Bethune-Cookman University
Amber Jackson, Delaware State University Mitchell Vaughn, Jefferson County High School (GA)
Andy Jackson, Birmingham Vipers Chrystal Vega, Coffeyville Community College
Mikki Jackson, Bingham High School Kenneth Vial, Hahnville High School
James Jacobs, Ohio Hawks 14U Bo Vicendese, Maryland Chill 18U Gold
Rita Jagodzinski, Darien High School Chris Vittorio, St. Francis De Sales
Gary Jantzer, Ark Oregon Legacy Claudia Volkmann, Deutscher Baseball und Softball Verband e.V.
Robert  Jennings , Bloomington HS South Brad Wakeman, Firecrackers
Dereke Jernigan, Jo Byrns High School Rob Walgien, Dutch National Team
Lynn Johnson, University of Wisconsin, Stout Ellen Wallace, Kinkaid School
Susan Johnson, Deerfield High School Jeff Wallace
Tina Johnson, Weber State University Jaime Wallin, Sonoma State University
Pam Johnston, Heritage Christian Academy/Revolution Steve Wallo, Oregon Silver Bullets
Sunny Jones, Ohio Northern University  Trevor Walraven, St. Peters Athletic Association (MO)
Lise Jubinville, Softball Canada Beth Watson, University of Central Florida
Kevin Kaalberg, McCook Community College Jos Wegman, Robur '58 Holland
Madison Kaalberg, McCook Community College Tom Wherry, Blaine Bengals
Sarah Kalka, University of Hartford Anthony Whisenhunt, Eastern Oklahoma State College
Joe Kanz, Midwest Speed Kendra Whisenhunt, Eastern Oklahoma State College
Karen Karch, Charleston High School Amber White, Babson College
Barbara Kasabri, Sparta Diamonds Jim White, Clear Creek Amana High School
Toni Kaui, Kamehameha Schools Hawaii Larry White, Umpire
William  Keen, Choctawhatchee High School Karen Whitney, Glendora Classic
Liz Kelly, Netherlands National Team Karin Wick
Mike Kelly, Lightspeed Robert Wiebort, Irvine High School
Michelle Kelso, Hartselle High School Bryan Williams, Georgetown Day School
Don Kennedy, Missouri S&T Jennifer Williams, Smith College
Steve Kettner, Brunswick High School (MD) Kay Williamson, Aloha High School
Yasmin Khan, Mountain View High School Toni Willis, St. John's River Community College
Kim Khoury, Mountain View  High School Wade Wilson, Brenham High School
Tamra Kielty, Elkhorn High School Richard Withers, Absolute Blast
Tim Kimball, Dexter High School (MI) Jaime Wohlbach, University of Delaware 
David King, North Baltimore High School Andrea Wolf, Team Saskatchewan
Joe Kinsella, Lake Forest College John Wolfe
John Kleiboeker, Storm Fast Pitch Lacy Wood, Harvard University
Ruth Kmak, University of Chicago Melissa  Wood, Georgia Highland
Terri Knecht, Savannah College of Art & Design Shawn Woods, Oklahoma Wesleyan Universitiy
Emlyn Knerem, Ashland University Kathryn Worley, Mount Miguel High School
Richard Knowles, Nunaka Valley Little League Monica Wright, Bowling Green State University
Michelle Kocak, St Mary's University Dawn Wuthrich, Texas A&M, Corpus Christi
Kevin Koopman, Deerfield High School Drew Wyrick, South Hills High School
Lindsay Koopman, Deerfield High School Drew Yantis, Atlanta Vipers
Anna Kramer, Dublin City Schools Goh Yong Hang, River Valley High School
Kandi Krebs Richard Youngman, Mudelein Thunder
Anita Kubicka, Montclair State University Michael Youngpeter, Thrillers
Eric Kunkelman, Wizards Craig Zarzeczny, California Riptide
Stephanie Kupers, Deutscher Baseball und Softball Verband e.V. Tammy Zimmardi, Knight High School 
Analilia Landeros, Grossmont College Kate  Zucker, DePauw University
Wesley Landrum, Frostburg State Stephanie Zweig, SUNY Plattsburgh
Kenneth Larson, The King's Academy  


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