NFCADay Logo


Coaches are the lifeline of our sport. 
Save the date and join the annual celebration of softball coaches around the country on April 12, 2025!

What: NFCA Day. We invite you to celebrate NFCA Day on your field, campus, and in your community. Join NFCA member coaches around the country as we build the coaching profession and move our sport onward and upward!

When: April 12, 2025 | Rain Date: April 13, 2025

Where: Home or away, near or far. Use your platform to recognize coaches in your community. 

Why: This day will be used to celebrate and raise awareness for the softball coaching profession, the NFCA, and your school’s softball coach. The softball community will join together to show appreciation for the coaches in our sport across all divisions. 

How: See how the softball community celebrated #NFCAday in 2024 and explore more ideas below! 


Simple! Below are ways to celebrate NFCA Day on your campus. Using NFCA logos, sport custom “NFCA” gear during practice, warm-ups, or on game day to show your appreciation for the coaching profession. You can utilize social media and other outlets to honor your coach, thank a colleague, or recognize a competitor as well. There is no wrong way to celebrate this day! 

Coach Appreciation

Coach Appreciation

Coach Appreciation

Honor Your Coaching Journey

Whether it’s by recognizing those who blazed the trail before you, encouraged you along the way, or continue to be motivation in your life - use #NFCAday to shout out their accomplishments and thank them for their efforts. Support staff, don’t be afraid to do the same for the coach at the helm of your program.

Get Your Student-Athletes Involved

This day is for coaches but student-athletes can get involved too. Use the day as a platform to thank your coaches. Let everyone know what your coach means to you. Marketing and Information offices are encouraged to create videos, posts, and appreciation stories about their coaches.

NFCA Membership

NFCA Membership

Each year to celebrate the week of NFCA Day, we offer 50% off first-time memberships. In the week leading up to NFCA Day, gift a NFCA membership to your assistant/colleague/competitor (or for yourself) for 50% off by using the provided promo code each year.

Community Engagement

Community Engagement

Community Engagement

While the NFCA began as an association for college coaches, our grassroots membership is growing at an unprecedented rate. With high school and travel coach members accounting for more than 50% of all active members, we would like to encourage collegiate coaches to invite your local coaches to attend #NFCAday on your campus. This will provide a wonderful opportunity for local youth coaches, whether an NFCA member or not, to see first-hand what some of our most visible member coaches do to be the best coach possible.

In addition, you can create a Facebook event for your game day and invite other coaches and school administrators to attend the game to celebrate the coaching profession. Invite coaches from all levels to attend your game - use the NFCA membership flyer (See "NFCA Membership") to gift those coaches 50% off a new membership for first-time members.

Custom Swag

Custom Swag

Custom Swag

Using NFCA logos, sport custom NFCA gear during practice, warm-ups, or on game day to show your appreciation for softball coaches everywhere! Download our logos below and customize your own apparel, temporary tattoos, eye black, helmet stickers, wristbands, patches for your uniform, banners, a field stencil, or any other marketing materials using your own team colors.

Learn more

Field Stencil

Field Stencil

Field Stencil

#NFCAday from the ground up: Get an NFCA stencil for your field!

Pre-Game Ceremonies

Pre-Game Ceremonies

Pre-Game Ceremonies

Use the NFCA script to announce what NFCA Day is before first pitch. If applicable, coordinate with your marketing or sports information office to play a video montages showcasing the student-athlete perspective thanking your Coach, as well as highlighting the coach's career and journey. Fun idea: add trivia about your coaching staff to your in-game announcements.

On-field, from one coach to another, thank your competitor with a small plaque or bouquet of flowers pre-game. Additionally, have the student-athletes formally thank their own coach and the opposing team with a signed ball, flowers, an engraved bat, or whatever you deem appropriate.

If there are any youth, travel, or high school coaches in attendance, invite those coaches to join in the on-field pre-game festivities. Although the NFCA is a softball-centric organization, if other sport athletes would like to recognize their coach in attendance, all are welcome. The more athletes and coaches involved, the more powerful the impact.

Finally, let all the coaches throw out a ceremonial first pitch. This could be coach-to-coach or coach-to-player, you decide what means the most to your program.

Social Media

Social Media

Social Media

Leverage your presence on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Post photos of your coaches, share information about their coaching journey, and encourage others to do the same. Be sure to use and promote #NFCAday and tag @NFCAorg.




There's no better way to say thank you than with a video message. Share how your coach makes a difference. Need some inspiration? Check out these videos!


Learn more

LOOK BACK at #NFCAday in 2024

On the field...

Across social media...

 A Day for Softball Coaches.

The NFCA (National Fastpitch Coaches Association) is the professional organization for fastpitch softball coaches. Known for its highly-visible NFCA Day, the Association also educates and supports softball coaches on a variety of different levels: from grassroots-specific Coaching Tools package to our Hall of Fame, to in-person events, and a National Convention.

Learn more about the NFCA and consider joining over 7,000 coaches today.

Keep Your Coaching Pitch Perfect.

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